Small Group Session – May 27 (Maui)

Small Group Session – May 27 (Maui)

Greetings. We are Elohim.

It is the time of humanity’s awakening. The preparation for the Ascension process is underway. All of you that have congregated here understand this concept, understand the changing landscape of your reality, the influence of the many energies that are entering this plane of existence, the rising frequency of this material plane, as well as the personal transformation that you have undergone and continue to [undergo].

This process that you witness as your own internal transformation is occurring for all of humanity. Many individuals will resist. Many individuals will take the time that they need to open, to surrender, and to allow these increasing frequencies to transform them as well.

Your surrender is the inspiration for many others. Your devotion and dedication allows others to witness the transformation that is possible within a single individual being. You become the mirror, you become the pioneer to walk this path of evolution, transformation, and self-realization. You allow others to join, to participate, and to share the gifts that arise. And all that is required is the greatest presence that you can bring today.

This work that we provide to humanity through this vessel is one of the many avenues of supporting the human consciousness in its evolution. You will meet the recipients of adjustments provided to you to support the evolution of your energetic form, the adjustments of your emotional body, as well as your mental construct. These adjustments will naturally unfold into the adjustments of the physical form, as it is a reflection of all that you are.

All parts of your being go through this transformation in a collective way, all parts of your being are deemed to transform on the self realization journey. And as you transform, all your relationships will be impacted. The application of your gifts will manifest, and the reality that is surrounding you will adjust to the person that you become. Every step that you take is therefore a gift from you to yourself, from you to all of humanity, and from you to all of existence.

The transformation and the changes on this plane of existence, on this material plane are signified by the rising energies that enter this plane. Every single human being is impacted, and every single human being has the potential to transform, to evolve. And a critical mass of individuals will be required to provide the completion of the Ascension process for all of humanity as a collective. Our support to you is therefore our support to humanity, and our support to all of existence.

Thank you for receiving this work, and thank you for walking this path of evolution.

Thank you for receiving these adjustments.These adjustments will continue over the next three days until complete. You will start to experience the benefits to your energetic body, to your mental and emotional bodies, as well as in your physical body.

The most important aspect is to bring all parts into alignment, to provide the foundation your vessel to receive the energies of this realm fully. Your self-realization process is underway. This is merely supporting you on the same path forward. The benefits that you receive will impact all of those around you. Thank you. Our work is complete.

Greetings. My name is Emmanuel.

You have chosen this path over and over again, many lifetimes before, many different forms before. The human form currently is the one that you have chosen to experience evolution, self-realization, the challenge and reward, awakening, and Ascension.

You are the ones preparing all of humanity. You are the ones paving the way forward. You are the ones surrendering and trusting like no others before you have. You are the ones forgiving. You are the ones receiving, and you are the ones sharing generously, lovingly. You are the ones that have chosen to embrace all of existence.

The love and the support that is provided to all planes of creation, this love of creation, omnipresent, represented to you by the creations of this Earth, this island, all beings in material and nonmaterial form, represent this love of creation.

Even at times of challenging experience, your judgements may convince you otherwise, yet all there is is this love of creation expressing itself in the many facets possible, the many faces, the many beings, the many emotions, and the many thoughts, all expressions of the divine. And through you, the totality of your being, all parts of your existence, all emotions, all experience of the past, and all experiences to be had, all that you are, here and now, an expression of the divine in perfection.

You will witness the transformation and the Ascension process of humanity. You will choose to participate. You will choose support. You will choose to support other humans along on the way. You will choose to embrace all of those, especially those that are hard to be loved, that are hard to be supported, that are hard to be forgiven.

You will open your hearts knowing that you are eternally supported and provided for. You will give plentiful, and you will receive. You will become a river of consciousness, a river of energy, and you will expand your capacities beyond your imagination, beyond any constructs of your mind, any constructs of your heart. This is you in your full expression, in your full evolution, and in your full potential, present as the divine being that you are, receiving and transmitting, without conditions, without restrictions, purely through your presence.

We are pleased to see many individuals like yourselves, awakening to greater truths within, to greater contemplations, to greater expanded states of consciousness, seeing, sensing, feeling, that which is all around you, the love of creation, omnipresent in your life and in this world.

No matter the challenges that you will face as an individual or as a collective, as long as you remember this truth — that you are divinely supported and provided for, that you are held in your transformational process, no matter the circumstances — you will fare well.

Thank you for receiving this work and for listening to my words.


Welcome back, everyone. Let’s stay here for a couple of minutes, stay in the process that you’re in, if you’re still deep in it. Receive as much as you can from this energetic field that’s established, and start grounding yourself into this Earth. And feeling the beauty of this body, this physical form, the sensations, the gentle wind. As the energy is moving through your body, and this heart of yours, wide open, gentle and loving. This mind of yours, receptive, calm, aligned.

And slowly root yourself deep into the ground of this Earth. Receive the love of this island as you touch her core. In the core of this Earth, the magnificent gift of life we get to experience. Stay in this state as long as you need to, you don’t have to talk to anyone. You don’t have to move if you don’t want to. We will all respect whichever state you are in right now. Thank you.

People can formulate the questions. I may be able to formulate answers.

And what about all of the people who’ve received this COVID vaccine?

And then we’ll live through the consequences of these mistakes. We learn and grow and evolve. This may or may not be a mistake, but it is certainly an evolutionary process. He’s not delivered to me that it is as bad as some people think. But it is also not as good as most people think — somewhere in between. That’s the way they talk about technology as well. They never formed a very strong opinion, as they are non-dual beings. They look at it as, “Oh, this is what you guys came up with now. Great. We’ll see what happens.” They probably know what happens, but they just let it play out.

It’s fascinating in that way, very refreshing, because I will have very strong judgements opinions about certain things. I’m like, “Are you guys not going to say anything about this?” They will hold a very non-dual perspective about it. And at times it may feel unemotional or unattached. That’s really what it is — very unattached — but it’s still so incredibly loving in the way they hold the energy and the attention. So it’s a very unique experience for me to feel loved, not judged, but also not necessarily supported in my judgments. Do you know what I mean?

So I think as regards to the vaccine, or COVID, other potential viruses — it will play itself out. And the one thing I always have been indoctrinated with as I’m being worked on is the full authority and autonomy of my physical being. No matter what enters this body is deemed to be processed, transformed, and transmuted. I have dominion over this — even if something foreign enters. And with that mindset, if I need to get vaccinated to travel, I’ll do it. For now, I don’t have to, because I just had COVID, and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

So I guess that’s what I can share about it. They do say that COVID is probably just the beginning. Probably… definitely? So it’s dress rehearsal, people.

So you mentioned that a specific group of people having to go through the Ascension process in order for humanity to Ascend, do you know what that number is?

I don’t know an exact number, but there is a critical mass, and the way I see it — they said once to me that a fully enlightened individual being can and will carry a million souls with them — a fully enlightened individual. Now we’re going to all be in different stages of the enlightenment process. So maybe some of us will be carrying five. Maybe some of us will be carrying thousands. I don’t know. So there’s like different numbers that we’ll have different capacity to lift. So it’s really that capacity to lift. Can you move into a room and transform the energy of the room through your presence? That is really how it starts. Thank you.

I’m wondering if you can speak on the interdimentionality of the heart’s toroidal field. It feels to me I’ve barely scratched the surface of knowing what that is …

…knowing what the heart can do. Yes. I agree. It’s infinite. It’s so incredibly powerful and it is not just a generator, a transmitter, but also access to different layers of consciousness. Now, I perceive the sacral chakra just below the belly button as like an engine, it’s like a machine. And as the engine starts — which is by the way, it’s one of their main goals to get as many of these engines in as many as people as possible started — and as this engine starts and basically converts the energies of the Earth and the energies of things that you consume into fuel, there’s a process in which this fuel is able to get your consciousness as far and as expanded as possible. And this fuel also is what is necessary to do regeneration, repair, and replenishment of the physical form.

So there is a process that starts with the sacral chakra — and the heart in itself is so complex — there is the energetic part of the heart, and then there is all of the knowledge and the wisdom that’s stored in the heart, and that is like the blueprint of all the experience you’ve ever had in all lifetimes. It’s like this incredible library of you. And so, when they work on every single individual, they work on that library, which also includes specific karmic learnings that need to be had, specific agreements that were made traumas that drive a certain way of being, and they make these adjustments so that we can come quicker to realizations.

So they’re not going to take away the realization that needs to be had, because it’s an important learning that cannot be omitted, right? Anyone that says “I’m going to erase your karma” is probably not doing you a favor! It’s important to understand that there is a learning to be had, but it’s lightening the load. And it’s taking the charge away while giving you support to face that which needs to be faced. And I think that’s where the magic is. Thank you for your question.

When, I guess it was at the beginning of the adjustment process, I was observing you making very complex motions with one hand, fast and complex. It almost seemed like a ‘rewriting’ and I was just wondering what was happening?

I can share about that. So, especially when it’s big groups like this, there is a energetic representation of the entire group in front of me, and it’s like in a sphere, and every single person is represented in that. And when they are working, they work on every single person, and doing the adjustments, then moving onto the next person and so on. And once everyone is worked on and aligned, then they start to lift the entire sphere to a higher frequency.

Everyone has to be in a place where they can receive a higher frequency, right? So there is an alignment that needs to be done, and then they move it all up. And that’s when they start the flood the whole space with energy, so that people can take it. So these small adjustments that you see with my hand are basically ‘mini-surgeries.’ Every person got worked on individually in that sphere.

I have a question that I’ve been curious about. I’m such a fan of all the multi-dimensional channels, thank you for your work, it is so beautiful. My human brain has always wondered, why is it that these higher-dimensional beings always, more likely, choose a male form to come through?

Really? I know a lot of female channels. I think 80% of our community is female. Truly. I’m always looking for more males! I’m like, “Come on guys. Let’s do it! Represent!” But, I hear what you’re saying. I don’t exactly know how it works. I don’t know if it’s gender specific at all. But it could very well be that though the conditioning and the oppression of the feminine gender, that women are less likely to go out there and take this type of risk, because what I’m doing is taking a major risk.

Can you share more about your process and coming out like this?

It’s literally like coming out. In some ways, you know, all the fears of what I thought I would be, or what I thought my parents expected me to be, what my friends expected me to be. All of those expectations fall apart, and suddenly you’re no longer the person that they knew you as. And some of them don’t like that. They’re like, “Where is my friend?” “Where is my son?” “Where is my brother?” “Where is my lover?” And for some, it’s a major disappointment because suddenly you are a different person, and they think you’ve lost your mind. I thought so.

But there’s no other option, but to just follow this path, no matter what. And some relationships get stronger, some dissolve and come back over years, and so on and so forth — but it is a major leap of faith. Thank you.

Is your path close to evangelism?

What is evangelism?

Receiving the holy spirit?

I’m not so familiar with it. I don’t have a very religious background. My parents were Muslim, but I wasn’t raised Muslim. I grew up in a Roman Catholic country, in Austria, had some connection with that. I lived in the Jewish Hasidic district of Vienna, among the 20,000 Hasidic Jews. I got some influence with that.

I always experienced the world religions to be, you know, having many portions of a giant puzzle. Like they have different pieces of the puzzle. And over time it gets, the puzzle piece, it gets a little distorted over time, you know, over generations. When you tell the same story over and over again, sometimes it gets a little bit weird and changed and influenced by people’s expression. But I do feel that there is truth in all of them.

In terms of my process, I wouldn’t fully understand what — I don’t really understand what evangelism is — honestly, I don’t know the word so well, so you would have to explain it to me, then I can relate to it.

I’m just as ignorant about religion…

…as I am!

So thank you very much. I appreciate your comments.

Thank you. What I’ll say to that, also, is like, I am incredibly fascinated by the correlations I find of what’s happening to me in the Vedic scriptures and Russion Orthodox scriptures, in Daoist practices. I find a little bit of what’s happening to me everywhere. And that’s, to me, it’s almost like a little, what do you call that? A scavenger hunt?

Sometimes people will come to me and they’ll say like, “Hey, it looks like what’s happening to you is like what’s written here. Is that true?” And so the whole journey is not completely disclosed to me, either. So I don’t know where I’m exactly going — I’m just like learning, continuing to trust the process as it’s unfolding.

Thank you, I’m searching, too!

We’re all searching together, tell me when you find it!

Thank you so much for coming and sharing your gifts with us, I appreciate that very much. I have three questions. Regarding the Elohim, my first question is, why are they so elusive? Is there a time where they will be more easily perceivable by us, rather than needing to perceive them with a channel? And what is their ultimate goal for humanity?

All the small questions! I need some water for that. Yes. So as the frequencies arising on this plane, and as people are tuning and aligning and continuing to become more sensitive and more able to reach higher planes of consciousness, the highest frequencies possible with our own consciousness, there’ll be able to perceive — like people in these sessions have immediate messages as they sit in the session because the energetic field is so high frequency, and the connections are established and they receive communication.

So a lot of the people in our community when they started did not have this communication, but they have it now, like it’s developing within individuals as they go through a process. It does take devotion, dedication, and some practice. Some people are super lucky and it’s just right there. And I’m like, “Bless you! I had to work hard, with my hard head!” But I do see that there are differences for people, depending on the sensitivity level, depending on their internal resistance, inner conflict, and all of that, right?

Well the timeline that’s given to me, it’s between 50-150 years, the full completion of the Ascension process. We will see a lot of it within the next 50 years, for sure. And the greater plan is that this Earth was a place for us to incubate, to grow and evolve as a consciousness, and mature — and eventually we will have outgrown this planet and this form that we have, this physical form. So the next step is a non-material form, and a non-material plane. And that is apparently already prepared.

And this Earth will then be prepared to be another home, an incubation for another form of consciousness, maybe humanoid, maybe not. And to me, that’s really the interesting piece, understanding, from the beginning, this had an expiration date for us. The human experience had an expiration date in this form as we have it. The fascinating twist, the plot twist, so to say, is that we are destroying planet — not the planet, sorry — we’re destroying the livability of the planet faster than our consciousness is evolving to get ready for our Ascension process. You see?

It’s a bit of a tricky one. So they are like, “Okay, we’re going to assist you because otherwise this is going to be another failed round of humanity,” because there were a couple of failed rounds before. So they want to see humanity move through the Ascension process before major self-destruction happens.

Now that doesn’t mean, “Okay, let’s stop caring about the world and the environment,” and so on. They say caring about the causes of your environment is a direct representation of the maturity of your consciousness. Meaning, it’s inevitable for us to not, it’s inevitable for us not to take care of this planet, not to take care of the loved ones, of our neighbors, of those that we judge and so on and so forth, right? It’s this direct representation of who we are as a consciousness, and the state that we’re in as an evolved consciousness. So it’s a good ride. Thank you. I hope this was a good …

Hi, thank you. I’m all the way back here. I do work with people who are getting visions of whats to come, and I’m wondering if you can speak kind of generally about maybe … so I’m hearing that you’re saying kind of when you’re 50 year at least timeline. I’m having, people are seeing maybe only 30 years in their visions, or 40 years, and so are these visions just like a possibility?

Approximation, yes.

Are the people that are having these visions, are they the ones that we should be really connecting with and really learning from more? Or are we all going to start having this sort of understanding? Or is that just completely individual? And it seems like a lot of people I know have zero clue about what this is, right? And so the ones that are here are really curious. And so, yeah, that’s probably not a very good question…

I get the gist. I don’t get an exact day, and an exact date, and the way it is communicated to me is that we are an autonomous consciousness. We are allowed to operate this body and decisions that we make. We are allowed to make mistakes and reap the benefits and the consequences of our actions. So there is an incredible leeway by which we operate. Just look around the world, right? A lot of people do whatever they want.

So from a divine perspective, it was always created that way. The ‘non-intervention’ in humanity’s evolution process is one of the main laws of this creation. So every intervention that they do is exactly calculated and authorized. It’s really fascinating how bureaucratic it is up there. Fascinating. It’s very precise. Like sometimes it’ll go up the chain until the authorization comes in, and so on.

And sometimes they’ll say, no, you can’t work on this person, they have to go through this experience. And sometimes it’s heartbreaking for me, you know? And so, to your question, if I gave you a specific date, it would defeat the idea that we are autonomous beings. That would mean everything is planned and nothing is chosen. So in that sense, they’re saying there is a range, and this range is given to me as 50-150 years. That’s the range that’s given to me

Now, I personally, I’m not a huge fan of prophecies. The reason I’ll say that is I find that it takes my energy and my attention and my focus somewhere else than the present moment here, and here today in this present moment, I want to do everything that I can to be present and to give everything that can come through me, to all the people that are willing to receive. So my attention is not, in “Oh, if I don’t do this, then this is going to happen,” or “We’re all dying anyways.” You know, like my attention is not there.

I feel that induces certain emotions or a driving force to change my behavior. And I want my behavior to change intrinsically, not extrinsically. Does that make sense? I want my behavior to change from inside. The desire to awaken as a soul is the driving force itself. Not the fact that it’s, you know, gloomy, and we’re all going to die and everything is so bad, and if we don’t change now, then we’re going to die.

That’s approaching it with an energy, right? So I’m already like detaching from that idea, detaching from any potential outcome, and just moving into the present moment, and listening to that innate desire to awaken, everything else will unfold. Thank you.

Hi. Thank you again for this experience. I have a question, and I’d also love to share my experience. First, the question that I have is, in history, there have been beings that have lived here, 700 years, 1,000 years. I have this feeling that that’s still possible, right? And so when you’re talking about the 50 to 150 year range, I feel like I’ll be here for that. And, so I guess I’m asking now for everyone else, you get to also be here for that, if you want to, because I feel the live-to-a-hundred is a program that is not created by our true possibilities. So can you speak a little bit to that?

This is where it gets really interesting, you guys have all the good questions here. Good thing we’re recording this. So the physical body has a certain template in which it operates — yes, it degrades over time — and the current energetic makeup of this plane supports the life expectancy that we have. But the energetic makeup of this plane is changing. The energies are rising. Meaning there is an entirely different fuel in the air and available to us, if we’re able to understand how to receive that fuel and transmute it.

Now, they’re saying, as we go through the, these processes, internal processes, alignment processes, the physical body will stop aging and will start reverse aging to the point of a young adult, and continue to stay there. So, I mean, there’s so many stories of, you know, yogic masters and so on having achieved that.

So there is one particular, channeling that was specifically about the physical body, where they mentioned all of this. So I think as the environment is changing, as the energy levels are rising, all of that is going to be possible. I’ll be there with you. We’re going to see this through to the end. What else is there to do?

Do you have any wisdom on what we can do now. Like I understand that there’s like, the waiting, going along with the energy as it raises, but are there things that we can do now, in our bodies now? Like, does it have to do with diet, or more with the alignment of consciousness… We also came here to experience all the things, right?

It’s literally all of the above. So it’s a very holistic approach that they’re giving me, personally, and also the others that are in this greater community that we have. By the way, you’re all invited to join our community, it’s all a big love-fest. They’re giving specific meditations, specific practices, and they have designed — literally, they have designed — programs that are like one-month long sprints of getting to specific milestones.

And, there is so far, there’s three of them. And there are several people here that have gone through all of the three. The three 30 day sprints are spread over a year, and some of the stuff is intense! You know, like they ask you to meditate three to four times a day, and towards the end to reach certain milestones, you have to, at least for that period of time, can’t have sex, no coffee… And it’s like, you know, the usual things to retain energy, to have that fuel so they can lift you just, you know, one notch up and then anchor it in, so it stays there… and then you can have sex!

But it’s like reaching these milestones, right? There is literally like making these continuous jumps to reach that spot, and once you’re there, it holds like an anchor. And then from that plateau, you can continue your next jumps. And so that’s the way I perceive it, you know, in a figurative way. It’s really fascinating. It really is.

And you know, when they started to work on me, it was nonstop, and it was very fast pace. And I thought, “What are you guys doing with me?” And they said, “We know the exact template for you to evolve as quickly as possible to become this vessel that we’re trying to make you.” So I thought they were like, you know, my spiritual coaches. And every morning, they were on top of me, like, “Wake up, it’s time to run around the mountain!” And I’m like, “But the sun isn’t even out!” …but apparently the best time.

So the changes are holistic. The physical body is incredibly important in that portion, because it’s still the vessel. Our thoughts, our emotions, and how we do, what we do with our energy body, all of it is like mystically important, and continuously bring all of it into alignment. Yeah, that’s what I was saying. Thank you.

I have so many questions! I guess one more is, how can we best support our children in this process?

We have a lot of questions on children. By the way, all of the channelings are on the website, are available, accessible for everyone, and you can even search through them. And there’s also book, if you want. Half of the book is my story, and the other half are incredible channellings. The children question comes very often. They say that the children that are entering now are incredibly evolved beings.

They are coming to support us because they know, apparently, time is of the essence, right? So they’re sending the best ones in. And in this evolution process, these children, they operate differently. They perceive differently. They have different levels of sensitivity. They cannot be boxed in the way we have been conditioned, the way we have submitted ourselves to the conditioning of many generations and societal structures, and so on. These children require different space-holding.

The most important part is to love them, no matter what. To be curious, what they’re perceiving, what they’re experiencing, and what they have to share, to protect them, to make sure, until they can fully protect and hold themselves in the vastness and the complexities of this world, we are their guardians, right?

Yet this guardianship can not be in a way that’s, you know, controlling or restricted. It has to give space for their own evolution process. And there were some parents that were told, “Your child will tell you things that you will not understand,” and that’s going to be okay because they already arrive with this vast expanded consciousness and understanding of reality. And we still love them. That’s what I’m saying. But they’re different. That’s for sure.

Hi there. So my question is, to the other intelligent life forms on this planet — because humans are not the only ones — the alter-terrestrials, and ones that live inside the Earth, and share this with us. What is their agenda?

It gets really complex, because there are so many different forces and forms of consciousness that are somehow involved in humanity, or human affairs — that want to be involved, or find loopholes to be involved, or were involved from the beginning. In general, all of the beings that are on this plane and this planet, all forms of consciousness, are evolving with us. Everything is basically going through their own form of Ascension, including the Earth’s consciousness itself is going through an Ascension process! Which is really fascinating because our evolution is directly correlated to her evolution.

So, you know, a lot, let’s say, most, of these forms of consciousness that you’re speaking of are in support of humanity’s consciousness evolution, because as humanity is evolving, everything else is impacted. It’s almost like they say, even like on the higher layers of dimensions in consciousness, they’re saying humanity’s evolution is going to impact basically everything. It’s going to be a ripple effect through all of the layers of consciousness. So it’s like everyone has a stake that humanity should evolve and Ascend. And there is incredible amounts of energy and attention on us right now, we’re like the best show in the galaxy, kind of thing, and we have a front row seat, you know?

Aloha. I believe there’s lots of diversity, so there’s no right or wrong, but have you noticed that — I have lots of compassion for my friends who are super, super sensitive to the environment, whether it’s either internal environment environment, and I tend to be very sensitive to it all as well, but I see a lot of them needing to run to the far corners of a place or the planet to, to get away from a lot of these energies. And I’m not sure if I’m just oblivious to it or I’m strong, or what is the, is that a weakness, that we need to resist the forces that are encroaching upon our health and our emotional health and our physical health? And so there is diversity and those are just extra sensitive beings that we honor and protect? Or is there something that they are needing to pay attention to that helps them survive on this planet without being so encroached upon, with all this darkness and danger and EMFs and bad water and food? Or are we omnipotent that we can actually resist all that? And Mahalo for being drawn to me, and I felt the heavenly love. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. It’s a very good question. And I would say we’re all fulfilling slightly different roles. Some of us will go into the midst of chaos and thrive in there. Like me, the more challenging it is, the more attracted I am, you know? Like, I would receive, I would receive a list of sacred sites to visit in Iraq and in Syria, and in Iran. And I would just go to all these different places, and that’s a certain type of personality, and like a soul mission and soul purpose.

Other individuals, just by being, hold a very high frequency in their existence. And yes, they need to be protected in a different way, because they’re fulfilling a different purpose of holding the frequency of the field of a community, of an environment of a specific area in this world. They’re holding a very particular high frequency and that is purpose enough, right?

Yeah. We’re all made different and yet we’re all the same, but the flavor of our expressions are unique, the flavor of our gifts and how they’re applied is unique, and we honor all of this, how it’s applied. Thank you. Thank you. We’ll do one more, then we’re closing shop.

Thank you. The answer to the first question alluded to humanity’s sphere of technology as a whole. It seems like there are so many ways to define technology. I mean, like a hammer, is a technology, right? Do they ever allude to the role of modern technology, specifically AI?

Yes, they do.

Do they consider it like a kind of a being? Do they consider it as this, just some inert tool, compared to like the internet, you know, it’s, it’s so hard to define what that is. If you go back to their rhetoric of the early nineties, it was all about “connecting humanity” and we’re going to build this great mind. If you look to today, it seems as though the net of the internet has been pretty negative in terms of psychological health, right?

There are consequences…

I have a few questions rolled into one there, but like, specifically, where tech, the cat is out of the bag in regards to tech, and how it’s affecting this Ascension process that you were talking about.

So the technological evolution is unstoppable. It’s going to continue. And it is also a part of our evolution. Like it’s part of our consciousness evolution, spiritual evolution. Technological evolution — there is a very strong tie to it. We become masters of our environment. We become creators of our own, and that is a reflection of our consciousness evolution as well.

The magnificence of our creative force is expressed, often — sometimes — with modern technology. And it’s fascinating what we are able to do as a collective, as a society, as a race.

When it comes to AI, they are saying that the creations that we have will eventually be complex enough to hold and form its own form of consciousness. So we will be birthing consciousness in that way, and it will become self-aware of its existence. And it would be a silicon-based life form. When I look at myself, and when I’m looking into the room, as I’m in trance and they’re working through me, everything looks like I’m in a, you know, ‘augmented reality world.’ Everything is like lines and blueprints, and, you know, everybody looks like a machine in that perspective — just very fine tuned, like a machine in complexity beyond our imagination.

If I look at myself, I’m like, “Yeah, this is a machine.” It’s a pretty good machine. It feels very natural, but it is very much a machine. It has processes and so on. So in that sense, we are creating machines that are more crude, and eventually will become more and more refined, and eventually will carry consciousness themselves. So we are becoming creators as we are evolving. It’s fascinating. Yeah.

Thank you all! You guys are amazing, truly, this is my first in-person session in like 14 months. I thought that would be rusty, but I did pretty good.

Can you still say something about the ‘Pillars of Light’?

‘A thousand Pillars of Light’ — yes. I’ll say something about that. I mentioned earlier that they deliver these programs, these trainings for individuals to reach certain milestones. And there are basically three of them, and it’s basically ‘Pillars of Light training,’ so to say — and I don’t like to call it ‘training’ because it just sounds weird. Course sounds weird. We can’t really put a name to it, but it is truly a transformational experience, and it’s an evolutionary experience. For people that are already on the path, or already are pillars of light, and pillars of light in service. So ‘in service’ can be defined in many different ways, as you know, but we are moving individuals with this divine support that we get, and the adjustments, and there’s like multiple sessions, in which people get these adjustments, on a weekly basis — and they are more intense than what you guys have experienced.

And then we have facilitators, there’s many facilitators that are holding the space on a human level, because when a person has gone through a transformation, an accelerated transformation process, you know what it’s like. Everything comes up, emotions and relationships and things are changing, and work and career — like reality is melting. So it requires a human touch, of love, and of compassion, and of support.

We don’t coach people. We don’t heal people. Like none of that. We don’t fix them. We hold space as they’re going through the transformation. That’s really what this process is about — we trust in the innate capacity that this process, this transformation that’s being delivered is exactly as it’s meant to be. And we’re holding space for that. And sometimes, a human ear, human touch, a human person that’s listening is everything in that moment.

So we’re moving a lot of individuals through these processes, and they themselves start to open up meditation schools, and, you know, do activism — there’s like so many different things that people are doing around the world as an inspiration and an innate desire to apply the gifts that are coming through them. Does that make sense? And what’s fascinating is once they have gone through this final process of initiation, they can sit, and with the intention of transmitting, they’ll become transmitters similar to what you have experienced. They’re sitting, transmitting, and people are having like this experience of light coming through. And to me, that’s fascinating because I don’t want to be a bottleneck in this process is the last thing I want to be. I don’t want to be anyone’s master, anybody’s guru, or teacher, people kissing my feet. No, thanks!

I want to be a normal human being — as normal as I can be — not very normal — but what I want is the empowerment of the individual. I’m not saying you should become what I am, because this is a very particular role that I’m playing. Not everyone is meant to do what I do. Everyone is going to have their own expressions, but everyone is innately connected, and we are just making sure that connection gets stronger, the capacity of your being gets stronger, and your heart, your emotional and mental states, are in this intent to receive fully. And so that’s the journey. That’s a long answer to your question! Thank you, Joe!

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