The Superconscious Heart – Day 1

The Superconscious Heart – Day 1

Note: These are only the parts that were channeled by Asil during the workshop in February 2021. You can still purchase access to the full course replays.


Greetings. We are Elohim.

The very journey that has brought you here will be the journey of awakening and of Ascension.

The human form, as it was designed, brought with it many experiences: the experience of separation, individuality, and identity; the experience of building relationships with the outside world — the perceived outside world; the journey to finding unity through relationships, through the love within, the love without, all of existence connected to each other, through this fabric that we call the ‘love of creation.’ A fabric, unique, limitless, untethered, decentralized, consistently available to all of you, at all times, in all dimensions, and in all forms, material or non-material — the same fabric that is defining who we are, that is defining all of the layers of consciousness present for you, creating your environment, your ecosystem, and all beings that exist within you and outside of you — all elements of your being, all cells of your being, driven, fueled, by this love of creation.

The pure energy that flows unconditionally can be experienced through this heart center of yours, the heart center to recognize, to connect, to transmute this love of creation into all forms of energies. And, as you learn to become even more present to all that you are, your access to this love of creation will be without barriers, uninhibited, direct, and immediate.

You are continuously fueled, yet do not recognize at all times that you are continuously fueled, nourished and supported through this fabric of this love of creation. The adjustments that we will provide over these next days will enable your heart center to receive more clearly, more directly, to transmute and to transmit without inhibitions, without barriers, from you to all of existence that is a reflection of who you are. Thank you for receiving these words.


Greetings. We are Elohim.

The adjustments provided to you, to support you in your evolution as a human being, as well as as the human collective consciousness that you are, are specifically designed for this time in humanity’s awakening and Ascension process.

All of you have shown curiosity, dedication, devotion, and readiness to receive. All of you have opened yourselves in surrender and trust. All of you have found a deeper level of presence in the moment, a level of presence that will be the guiding force to receive, to transmute, and to transmit.

At first, these adjustments will enable a deeper alignment within, an alignment of your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic-spiritual construct. A deeper alignment will allow for a greater flow of all energies available on this plane, and in this very moment. A greater flow of these energies will allow for the activation of your heart center. The activation itself will allow for the opening and preparing of the upgrades that will be accessible on this heart center over the course of the next days.

You have chosen to be in this human experience, and you have chosen to be here in this very moment. You have declared your readiness to receive. You have declared your ability to surrender to this deep level of presence, and the stronger your presence becomes, the stronger your alignment will hold, no matter the circumstances that you will face on this human plane.

You will distinguish challenges from suffering. You will learn to observe challenges as they are, and you will realize important learnings in every challenge that may unfold in front of you. You will integrate these learnings, and will spark a new evolutionary step for yourself individually, as well as for all of those around you, in relationship to you, and for all of humanity, as humanity is fueled by the self-realization of the individual.

The opening of your heart center is therefore a critical aspect of your continued evolution. The activation of the templates and the capacities of this heart center are beyond the experiences currently had in human form. The power that lies within you [is] often unrecognized and difficult to comprehend by the mind. Therefore, these altered states of consciousness will allow for a deepening of your experience, will allow for an expanded perspective, an expanded comprehension beyond the mind, an expanded receptivity, a greater understanding of self, and all of existence. Thank you for receiving this work.

<Alignment work done>

Thank you for receiving this transmission. The adjustments that you have received as of now will continue to integrate over the next couple of days. The deeper levels of presence, the deeper levels of opening, especially the heart center of yours, will enable an entire new perspective to this reality — a perspective of abundance, a perspective of being held continuously and infinitely, a perspective of unlimited capacity within you, for yourself, and for all of those around you — understanding this limitless nature that is integrated within you, this access to the love of creation, boundless and limitless, for all of you in this individualized human form, and for all of humanity, as it expands its perspectives, its consciousness, and its receptivity.

You are all in an evolutionary stage of great importance. This is one of the few adjustments that will support this evolutionary stage that you’re in. Many adjustments like these will continue to build upon the previous adjustments you have received, and the words delivered will allow your mind, your energetic body, your physical and emotional body, to integrate the adjustments that have been delivered.

And, so, you are in an evolutionary state of growth, of expansion, and of self-realization. Thank you for receiving this work.

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