Channeling Session – March 31st 2018 (Shanghai)

Channeling Session – March 31st 2018 (Shanghai)

This channeling has been translated live into Mandarin for the session audience.



Greetings, my name is Raphael. I will be performing your healing today. The healing we provide is unconditional, is our way of showing our love and respect for humanity. When you are ready, receive it with an open heart and mind. And when the time comes, release what you no longer need. It is an honor for us to provide this for you.

(Massive crying, shouting in the room. One lady continuously shouts in a language she and no one else in the room has ever heard.)

Fill the space in yourself, that is now empty, with the light that is in the space right now.

Know, that you have always been perfect, that the challenges in your life were opportunity to learn and to grow. And it was by choice, that you have returned into this form, to continue your learning and your growth. Or furthermore, to be in service to humanity.

Receive this light of the universe, receive it with open arms. Let it fill your bodies and your minds and your hearts.

From now on, you will be a bearer of this light, as well. It will shine through you for others. You will be light for others as you walk your path. Thank you for receiving our gift today.



Greetings, my name is Emmanuel. Thank you for coming here, opening yourselves and trusting this process. We are here to serve unconditionally. For the evolution of mankind. The evolution of the individual is critical for that.

It is a special time for human consciousness, a time of ripening, a time of readiness. The change and the changes, that you are already experiencing are part of this evolution of mankind. It is a spiritual evolution, an evolution of your consciousness. Human form in its traditional sense currently is not required to run its processes. So, it is an opportunity and a special authorization for us to intervene and to assist you with your healing and the closure of your cycles, karmic cycles.

The human form, a special gift, for learning and growth. A special gift for consciousness to experience. Sense, time, space, relationship, separation and unification. You have been part of this gift. All aspects of life, the ups and downs, the challenges and the joys are part of this growth of consciousness. In order for you to get to a place of self-inquiry and eventually self-realization, you first need to receive healing in order to be present. This part of assisting you in your healing and guiding you to self-inquiry and self-realization is our assistance. We are not here to fix your problems. Those are part of your learning and opportunity to grow. We are here to remind you of your relation to the cosmos. A greater awareness of being. A greater awareness of existence. Thank you for being some of the first ones to receive this gift, our presence in this age. If you have questions for me, regarding your healing or the state of mankind, I am here to answer.

Should I quit my job?


Prescriptions on a personal nature of decision making would take away from your free will and choice of life. All we can do is remind you, that there is a path to understanding presence and consciousness, for you to get to know yourself. What kind of environment you create for yourself in order to do that, remains for you to be chosen.



Energy and its release comes in different forms. In your case, the surge of energy in your system created this reaction. Thank you for sharing.

Can you help me how can I serve myself and humanity as a whole?


Thank you for your question. It is an important question to understand service. First, one must understand that service can only come from a place of complete healing. Your first responsibility is to yourself and only to yourself, to complete the learning of your soul and of this lifetime. To close karmic cycles, so that you can be fully present. Once you start your path of self-inquiry and being present, the answer on how you can be of service will come to you.

(01:06:20) … of myself, so can I start to work?


You have done good work for yourself and your presence is clear. Yet, there are a couple more realizations, that you have to go through first, before you can fully start your service. Your practice will assist you to get to those places of realization. Thank you for your question.

I actually want to know, when I can save others?



Many forces are working on your behalf already. Assisting you in many ways. Like this very moment, you are receiving a form of assistance. Yet, saving would imply that you are a victim of your own circumstance. You are not. When you realize the power, that lies within each of you and the union of those, that are awakened, you will require no assistance from outside.



When the mind is more busy with information and distraction than it can handle and at the same time connection, desires from outside in the universe, it will react with an overwhelm of pain. The pain is a wakeup call. It is a reminder, it is your friend. Listen, carefully, what it is trying to tell you and act accordingly.

How can we love more?


Thank you for your question. Love is a wonderful virtue of the human form. By nature of separation, it comes with condition. Conditional love can be wonderful teacher. And a wonderful opportunity to experience connection. Connection with self, others and the environment. The true form of love, as we know it, is the unconditional love of creation. A form of energy and presence, that is available for all existence in the universe, all the time. True unconditional love is available for you all the time and has been. When you understand this realization and you are able to connect with this unconditional love, it will fill you. And it will allow you to love, like you have never loved before. Thank you for your question.

(01:16:02) …


Thank you for your question. Once you start walking the path of realization and inquiry for yourself and healing, you will be an inspiration for the ones around you. You will be just with that, service, an incredible asset to humanity and the ones around you. The more you will find yourself into presence, the more your clear mission and directions for service will be given. Thank you for your question.

How you recognize the path?


The path recognizes you. And you follow it.

So, I have a company and I have a project in this company. And this project will be a fulfillment of my vision. So, what can I do to make this happen, to fulfill this vision of mine?


Thank you for your question and your desire to serve for humanity. We recommend that if you truly want to serve, to step outside of the way, so that the universe can have a vision for humanity, that you act upon, rather than acting on your vision. Does this make sense to you?

Can you specify, because I have this vision for a long time. And it is very hard to discard this vision or put it aside.


Your vision is assisted, so acting on a higher purpose, that is not coming from a place of your identity. Your vision seems to be supported from an outside source. The key will be not to act on it from a place of identity, to continuously remind yourself, that you are a vessel for service.

(01:22:55) My question is what would be my most suitable and comfortable mundane job on this planet?


If you are seeking comfort or suitability, you will find something appropriate. If you are seeking service from a higher purpose, it will find you.



Emotional healing is an important aspect of closing cycles in the human form. And your emotional healing will be representative for those, that were before you and those, that are around you. It is an important path. The key is to complete and move on, not to make healing the path, yet, an object of assistance for higher realization.

Can we tell our loved ones what happened today?


Yes, you may share your experience with others.

(01:27:01) How can we heal emotional and physical (…)


The body, that has been gifted to you in service of the human form, has many mechanisms, some of which are response to stress and some of which are response to deep emotions. Fatigue can be a response to deep emotional dissatisfaction. If you listen deeply to the understanding of the emotions, that are behind the fatigue, you will find the answer.

(01:29:09) … ending a cycle. How do we end a cycle, in which trauma and pain…


Thank you for your question. This is an important question of human form. Completing a cycle requires deep understanding and surrender to what has happened. The understanding that the trauma, the challenges have been in service to your being, that there is a deep learning for your being and your soul. Once the full appreciation and the full understanding has come, then the cycle will close. It is okay to receive assistance in this path, yet the realization has to be from your being.

(01:31:38) So does this mean the inquiry of heart is enough… spiritual masters…


When you come to the understanding that the masters in front of you are just other beings, that have walked the path and they are merely assisting on your path, then you will be served well. Yet, if you set yourself up for being saved by a master or teacher and continuously rely in a dependent way on the next step, you will be forever a student. We highly recommend spiritual autonomy for all individuals in human form. Assistance on this path can be very relevant, yet dependency is not a requirement. Does this make sense to you? Thank you for your question.

Shall I fight injustice or shall I allow it to be.


Thank you for your question. It is a very wise question. We always recommend kindness on this path of the human form, to all beings. Only so you can truly understand, what it means to unify. There will be moments in your experience in the human form, where you feel helpless and your ability to help or fight for justice will not be possible. The key is to find peace with that. We also recommend to watch where your judgement for justice comes from. Is it from your education, is it the requirements of your society or is it truly something deep inside of you. Listen to the urge and the desire, they are teachers, as well. Thank you for your question.

(01:37:34) … ony my intuition, so…


When your mind, your heart is clear, your intuition will speak clearly. It is a path to get to a place, where your intuition will be your guiding assistant. Once you find pathways to quieting your mind and silencing your emotions, you will find guidance, that you can call intuition.

Thank you for your questions today. We truly hope that your receiving of this healing will have an effect on your life and all those around you. For the love of mankind and the evolution of consciousness, thank you for your presence.

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