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Energy Alignment & Channeled Wisdom with Asil Toksal – LIVESTREAM
March 18, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Group Energy Alignment and Channeled Wisdom delivered via LIVE Stream
Asil will be holding a channeled group session. In these sessions, Asil embodies celestial guides, who then provide healing, alignment and share wisdom. These sessions are very unique, powerful and transformative for many participants. We invite you to join us with an open heart and mind.
Asil Toksal is an Austrian-born channel and healer. His work includes working in groups, providing energy healing & alignments and the channeling of celestial and angelic guides He is also guided to separately work on sacred sites and earth energies. The goal of both aspects of this work is to assist in the evolution of consciousness in humanity. He has travelled widely to do this work, throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Read below for further information and how to prepare for this session. (still valid for a live streamed, online session)
We will have a LIVE Stream via Crowdcast & YouTube:
The LIVE Stream will have a “Donate” button to accept any contributions you would like to make for this work, during or after the session. We suggest a contribution of $20, $40 or what feels right for receiving this work. Our goal is to support as many people as possible without any barriers.
We are very grateful for all donations, as that is the only way we can support this work here, and around the world.
The session will last approximately two hours. During the session, Asil will open up a connection to angelic and archangelic guides who offer wisdom and energetic healing and alignment for participants.
Many report the experience of peace, various forms of healing, transmissions of information, messages, light and energy. During the session, the audience will also have the opportunity to ask questions to the guides.
We invite you to join us with an open mind and heart, which creates the necessary conditions for healing and growth. We recommend that you open yourself to the energy that is brought into the space created together with a clear intention on where your life and the life of your loved ones requires alignment and intervention.
While in the past we have had our events both in person and in livestream, this week we gather online only in acknowledgement of the current health concerns. We believe this work is in service of helping us let go of the fears and stress that can compromise our immune systems.
Please carefully read the information below for your preparation.
About Asil:
What to expect in a session:
– Set your intention for the session. To some degree you can steer where the energy should go.
– Please join us on time. We start at 7:00 pm, and you want to receiving the uplifting energy from the start.
– Go easy on yourself, and plan to be in the session until as late as 9:30 pm
– It is recommended that you eat light the day of the session. No alcohol or drugs.
– Make sure to get adequate sleep prior to the session.
We ask that you free yourself from any responsibilities for the duration of the session so that you can be fully present.
Please turn off your phones or other things that might distract you during the entire session.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for choosing to dedicate yourself to this process of awakening and growth. I look forward to sharing this space and this powerful light with you.
With Gratitude, Love, Light
♡ Asil & Ascension One Team