Last mission update: 2020/4/27


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Hi, I’m Asil. Five years ago, the opening of a spiritual connection changed my life.

This connection – that I refer to today as “the channel” – announced itself with various beings, known to humanity as Angels and Archangels. Their directive was straightforward, they had agreed to intervene and assist the evolution of the human collective “again” through me as one of their instruments. The way they would do it was through the gift of healing and alignment through spiritual experiences in-person and remotely, and by sharing their wisdom, guidance to all humans of the planet.

As maybe the most important aspect of their support they asked me to visit some of the most significant sacred places around the globe, so they can do their “work” of attunement and alignment at these sites.

Recently, we started filming some of the work for the production of a future documentary. Below you will find some short videos of my recent work on various sacred sites. With your help we will dedicate resources and time to telling the story of each country visited, and many of the sites that were seen, experienced and connected to. This is for you to become part of this sacred journey, experience the magic that is in the places, feel the energy that is present in the photos, videos and channelings that we will provide.

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This planet carries energy lines. Its life force flows, just like your life force flows, through your energy channels. There are important places on this earth that are congregation and connection points of multiple energy lines.

This work unfolds as I receive guidance in the trance state, where Raphael, Emmanuel or other celestial guides will give direction on which region, which country, and in which order to visit these. Once we establish a plan, we create a list of all sacred sites we can find, and go through all of them with the channel to see which ones need to be visited and which ones can be omitted, and often which one’s are missing. Then an entire team works on establishing the logistics to enter the country and go through each site with efficiency but with enough space for course correction and changes, as sometimes we will get “surprise” tasks during the journey. I hope you enjoy the adventures below!

This planet carries energy lines. Its life force flows, just like your life force flows, through your energy channels. There are important places on this Earth that are congregation and connection points of multiple energy lines. Some civilizations have understood how to harness and position themselves close to these places. The intensity of that energy delivered them an opening to higher levels of consciousness, understanding and wisdom, as well as health and fertility.

If you follow the trail of important civilizations, their most important creations as well as the current civilizations and their most important places of worship, you will find a majority of these sacred sites. Yet not all of them are in alignment for the highest good that they can serve a human form. Nonetheless, with pure intention and the right alignment within yourself, you may be able to connect to the original energy of these sacred sites.


It was clear Europe would be the region to travel and explore right after the Middle East had been completed. It is a far and wide region, with the mark of many civilizations, religions, and spiritual power spots. Europe carries some significant ancient and sacred sites. Rise and fall of many world ruling and dominating empires. Devastating wars, and many lineages of mystics, religions that shaped Europe to what it once was and what it is today.

Europe, in particular ancient Greece and ancient Rome, was the birthplace of Western civilization. Renaissance humanism, exploration, art and science led to the modern era. European powers controlled at various times the Americas, almost all of Africa and Oceania and the majority of Asia. Both world wars took place for the most part in Europe, contributing to a decline in Western European dominance in world affairs by the mid-20th.

Many sacred sites in various countries remain active, utilized and maintained by modern day mystics, and communities in the various regions. Also as part of my work, many sites of trauma remain to hold the energy set free in conflict, war, and the dark arts. The work in Europe will include the relief of sites of trauma, so that the frequencies in those regions can increase as well.

Missions completed: Turkey, Spain/Ibiza (partial)
Countries upcoming: Greece, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Netherlands, UK


Ibiza as a bridge between the African, Asian, and the European continent, has played a significant role in dominance over the Mediterranean region for over a thousand years!

For centuries, Ibiza has been celebrated as a healing spiritual destination. Its rich red earth is traditionally believed to have magical properties. It was sacred land for the Phoenicians, home for pirates and mermaids, and a stepping stone for hippies on their pilgrimage to India.

Over 11 sacred and highly relevant spots in Ibiza were identified as part of the mission through this island. We included local guides as well as several community members from overseas joined the mission to partake and support the work at the various sites.


The work that will be conducted here on this island is of utmost importance, to reach individuals and populations in the European continent with a particular energy that only arrives on this island. Two main sources drive this energy, one being of a galactic nature, another being of important sites within the Middle-Eastern region, particularly Israel and Jerusalem, openings that have been created for mankind.

Shrouded in myths and legend, Es Vedra is claimed to be the third most magnetic spot on the planet (after the north pole and Bermuda Triangle). The Carmelite priest Don Francisco Palau, founder of the convent at Es Cubells, meticulously recorded mystical revelations and meetings with ‘unearthly beings surrounded by light’ while meditating there. Gigantic circles of light, up to 50m diameter emerging from the sea have discouraged fishermen from this area.

It is further said that part of Es Vedra was used to build the Pyramids in Egypt, as the limestone rock is claimed to hold a maximum concentration of energy, similar to that of the Pyramids, Stonehenge and Easter Island and, certainly, many people become conscious of a mysterious force that surrounds the area, making it a favourite place for meditation and other spiritual practices. But perhaps one of the best known myths surrounding Es Vedra is that it is, in fact, the tip of the sunken civilization of Atlantis.


600 clay statuettes of Tanit were discovered in her cave temple at Cova Des Cuieram. Tanit was the Carthaginian mother goddess of sexuality, fertility and death. Ibiza was her Island until the Roman emperor Vespasian suppressed her cult in AD74. The Romans named her Dea Caelestis and worshiped her as Juno. To this day Tanit is still worshiped in Ibiza and her cave Temple remains as testament to her memory and spirit.

The healing and rejuvenation powers of her waters, springs and fountains are said to possess purification, fertility, life and magnetic balance. Punic ritual dances are still practiced today around her waters which folklore associated with spirituality and magic. During her time of worship, the Island of Ibiza was rich with the produce of earth and became a bountiful land. A secret sect still worships her on the Island today.

We were not able to enter the cave, but the work could be concluded from outside. While many of us were seated on various rocks at the entrance of the cave, we have certainly drawn the attention of passer-bys. Some even joined in on our meditation, as the energy in the space certainly was very potent and peace-inducing.

As a congregation and connection point between the material and non-material realms, these places have served as a meeting point between humans and the non-material existence. Even though intended to reach higher realms of consciousness, all non-material existence found itself to be attracted to places of worship similar to this.

It is often that religious sites are established on spots that have been carefully selected as energetically important and potent. Therefore visiting sites of worship is a key element of the mission work. This allows me to feel the energy, to observe the flow of energy, and if the and how the original intent of the establishment is still intact. 

It is always fascinating to witness an embodiment of Raphael in a place of worship, specifically directed to him.


Many places have been established, maintained and kept in my name. My work has never required worship. My work has never required houses or establishments for worship. The pure intention of thought, pure intention of spirit has always arrived. I have seen, heard and responded to millions of your responses, of your requests. Some of which I was able to assist, some of which I was present for you.


Channeled quotes from Ibiza:


And here you are, once again, striving for the awakening. The realizations necessary to fully embody the potential of your existence, so close and yet, [perceivably] eternally far. This process cannot be comprehended with the mind, nor with the heart. Each step will be received with the readiness that you display with your being and the quality of your presence. You will surrender to each of these steps as they open up in front of you.


You will receive the powers that will unfold within your heart with grace and you will share unconditionally, without discrimination and judgment. As these powers and the energies that you will become a vessel to, are not yours. You are the conduit of a greater power that has arrived on this plane. A power that will assist human consciousness to rise.


As a key between Asia, Middle East and Europe, Turkey holds a significant position, not just geographically, historically but also spiritually. It was clear that the work in the Middle East would continue over Turkey into Europe. Turkey proved to be a significant effort and important milestone, as it carried many powerful sacred sites. As the country of my ancestry, my work in Turkey held a special place in my heart.

Because Turkey is a fairly stable and safe country, we had decided to take some powerful practitioners with us, as our “spiritual SWAT team.” The list and map of 24 power spots included many sites from the far East of Turkey, like Nemrut Dag, Great Mosque of Diyarbakir to the mesmerizing Cappadocia and the furthest East with the big and magnificent metropolis of Istanbul.


A geological awe, Cappadocia is home to a unique set of rock spires called Fairy Chimneys. They were formed from volcanic eruption and gradual erosion. Whole cities, including over 600 churches, have been carved into rocks in the area. Cappadocia has been a place of hermitage and hiding for its inhabitants. Christians named the town of Göreme (meaning ‘you cannot see here’), when they hid there during the Arab invasion.

Just outside Göreme we were directed to a particular church that included a crypt. The work connected the crypt with higher realms of consciousness which then connected down to other underground cities and then expanded into the whole region. This would make more sense after our trip to the Underground City.


Greetings. I am Michael. In the face of challenges, you will come to understand that you are not separate from your environment. You will come to understand that the challenges are part of who you are. The circumstances are therefore never random, never a coincidence, always connected.

The caves of Kamakli may have first been built 800 – 700 BC although some accounts are as early as 3000 BC. The city was greatly expanded and deepened in the Byzantine era during religious persecution, raids and wars that lasted for centuries. The city was connected with Derinkuyu underground city through miles of tunnels and continued to be used until the 14th century. This is the largest of the underground cities and was truly set up for sustained (up to six months or longer) underground living with miles of tunnels spanning 8 floors underneath the earth. 

Because the underground city was set up to protect its inhabitants, it carried trauma and the channel directed us there to do some clearing. We weaved our way through three floors of the city and found what we understood to be a “house” (basically a cave within a cave) and tuned in. Afterward, the channel shared that many people had died suddenly in this underground city and that trauma had not been released. The channel explained the concept of trapped souls and set up the ability for the souls there to ascend. As a group, we all felt a profound sense of service leaving the Underground City. In this work I don’t always have a full understanding of why I am going to one place or another; it’s an exercise in trust.  I am always amazed, as I was that day, about the many ways the channel supports humanity.


Many civilizations have understood the importance of connection points like these. The power accumulated, the openings preserved, the higher dimensions and planes available to guidance, wisdom and energy resources. Scars on this plane. Civilizations that understood the importance of being present. Living, immersing and nourishing these openings just like this particular one, despite the threats of the circumstances. The difficulties and potential of facing death did not deter them from living in this special region. The opening carried a stronger priority for them. Despite the concerns of danger, they found ways to live and thrive. The connections they established were strong and nourished them for many generations.

The ending was abrupt. The discovery of this particular place resulted in the sudden death of almost the entire civilization here. A trauma of this kind carries a situation to be rectified for this plane. The ascension and liberation of these souls, on this plane is an important requirement and variable to support the work that is to come, for those that are still alive and those that are required to move into higher frequencies. For the presence of those that have passed and still are tied to this plane, an incomplete process. The completion of these lives is necessary and will support all those that are alive and all those that have passed.
Our work will focus on allowing, through this opening that is provided for these souls, to return into a process that may, or may not, result in a return into the human form. Overall, it will benefit all of mankind. All of humanity will receive the benefit of those that are liberated from this plane.

Rumi was a Sufi mystic, a poet, a theologian and an Islamic scholar. Despite his religious expertise, his life served to provide humanity an understanding beyond the construct of religious organization. Rumi’s work transcended borders and nationality. He was known to be inclusive of all and offensive to none. As a result, Rumi’s poetry is known worldwide and his widely-adopted philosophy on personal development and growth is timeless. 

Rumi had connected to the celestial beings during his life which allowed them to provide support for humanity at that time. We were guided to Rumi’s Shrine in Konya to provide a stable, high-frequency opening at the shrine that would connect to openings in other regions and planes. The establishment of this connection serves to remind humans of the potential energetic possibilities within the human vessel and the power that we have to hold, witness and feel it. 




In my early channelings about sacred sites of the world it was a clear message that the Middle East would be the first region to visit. And the work in the Middle East would impact all other regions of the world. While I do have Turkish ancestry, the Middle eastern culture still felt a far cry from my upbringing in Austria. Over 18 months I visited some of the most incredible countries and sites in the region, including some that were very hard to visit and explore.

We visited eight countries and 92 sacred sites in the Middle East over a period of two years, with the mission to bring energetic alignment and a form of energetic balance to the region. We believe that the energetic alignment of the sites brings forth a balance and alignment in the people, and through that the foundation for a lasting peace is established.

The Middle East lies at the juncture of Eurasia and Africa and of the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. It is the birthplace and spiritual center of religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Manichaeism, Yezidi, Druze, Yarsan and Mandeanism, and in Iran, Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Manicheanism, and the Bahá’í Faith. Throughout its history the Middle East has been a major center of world affairs; a strategically, economically, politically, culturally, and religiously sensitive area.

The world’s earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia) and ancient Egypt, originated in the Fertile Crescent and Nile Valley regions of the ancient Near East. The later Arab Caliphates of the Middle Ages, or Islamic Golden Age which began with the Arab conquest of the region in the 7th century AD, that would first unify the entire Middle East as a distinct region and create the dominant Islamic ethnic identity that largely (but not exclusively) persists today.

This planet carries energy lines. Its life force flows, just like your life force flows, through your energy channels. There are important places on this earth that are  congregation and connection points of multiple energy lines. Some civilizations have understood how to harness and position themselves close to these places. The intensity of that energy delivered them an opening to higher levels of consciousness, understanding and wisdom, as well as health and fertility. In some civilizations, these places have been used to control and manipulate masses to directly utilize the power that it brings for their own purposes of receiving even more power. This is contradictory to the evolution of consciousness, as it is directly about surrendering to this program that will drive you almost by itself.

Our goal with this host particularly, is to re-establish the original intent and purity of some of these places. We will reconnect them to each other, as well as infuse them with universal energy in a way that this pure energy can flow again to all the places of worship impacting millions in that region. Particularly this region carries some of the most important connection points, as well as places of worship, that impact the rest of the planet. You will see health and rejuvenation and divine intervention in that region will serve the entire planet. This is why this mission is important and supported from non-material existence like ourselves.


Egypt was one of the first countries for us to visit in the Middle East. For obvious reasons Egypt has been a foundational aspect of this work. The amount of mystery, history and spiritual power that lies in many places, and sites, it was apparent to be a key for the work.

We took a group of dedicated individuals with us, knowing that they would also be tested in their capacity to carry out the work. This type of work is not just spiritually stretching for most individuals’ capacities, but also testing in emotional, mental and physical ways. The work is fast paced and combined with quick changes in environment, presence of new energies, beings and spiritual structures. The individual must navigate the pace while operating a human body through the three dimensional world, digesting and processing the experiences of the completed sites while getting ready for the next one. This proved to be a deep spiritual training for all participants.

We had identified 12 sacred sites to visit in Egypt while there were countless powerful places in Egypt our focus on this mission was to get to key temples and power nodes of this country, and connect to and with the energetic structures at the point of their physical establishment.


There are between 118-134 pyramids in Egypt, and the most well-known ones are the ones created and built for pharaoh Khufu. Yet how they were built, their purpose and the spiritual/energetic details remain still a mystery. Many theories, myths and legends are created around the pyramids.

For me it is always fascinating to visit sacred sites that have tremendous existing history, and still carry an equal amount of informational gaps to complete the picture of understanding. This is where the channel’s perspective comes in. Since I trust the source I work with and channel information from, I rely on this perspective. Very often this perspective is additive, complementary. Sometimes it is contradictory to the common beliefs that had been formed over decades and centuries.

Why would Angelic beings ask me to go to sites of Ancient Egypt? And what is truly beneath the Pyramids, what is their true purpose, and what is the work that they will do at these sites during the embodiment?

Even before entering the pyramids, several days of meditations and energetic work was done in the proximity of these pyramids. We were lucky enough to privatize the Great Pyramid of Giza twice on this journey, to honor the power and mystery that it holds. One of these experiences was through a timeframe of 3am – 5am on a full moon night, an indeed powerful time to consider entering the “King’s chamber” and spending time inside. It was clear that this time was needed.

The meditations were powerful and beyond anything I had experienced before. An intricate detail of energetic technology encompasses the pyramids, beyond my comprehension, yet within the understanding of the celestial beings I embody during my meditations.


A fairly new discovery in Egypt of the 19th century, Serapeum of Saqqara has been the source for much controversy and changing the historical timelines, adjusting the Egyptian chronology. The Serapeum of Saqqara is a serapeum located north west of the Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, a necropolis near Memphis in Lower Egypt. It was a burial place of Apis bulls, sacred bulls that were incarnations of the ancient Egyptian deity Ptah.

The Serapeum of Saqqara has been a continuous source of speculation and mystery since its re-discovery in 1850. Even now, no theory has been able to explain exactly how or why the 24 giant sarcophagi were moved to the site and precisely installed in their notches. The mainstream theory suggests the site was used for the burial of Apis bulls, though there are many elements which do not add up with this belief.

In my work my perspective has been shaped by the information that I receive on the energetic power that this site was able to produce and hold, and how it proved itself to be similar to a spiritual “battery” for other sacred sites in the country, as celestial sources of power slowly stopped their delivery.

The energy at Serapeum is electric and allows any practitioner to experience deep meditations (if allowed by the guards). We were witness to this energy, and the alignment work at this site was completed with awe and a deeper curiosity about the wonders of this world, established by previous civilizations.


This incredible temple complex of Philae is considered to be the burial place of Osiris, holding a significant temple for Isis as well as one for Hathor and several other deities. Before the construction of a dam in 1970, the entire complex was moved 500 metres away to a small island, and rebuilt stone by stone.

Upon entering the temple complex, it was clear that the original energetic structure was no longer established. This could have been through the conquering of many world empires and the misuse or mispurposing of these “technologies” or simply the fact that moving a spiritual temple to another location will not necessarily move the spiritual structures that were once established.

With some negotiations with our guides, we managed to find a small piece of a gateway of the original temple of Isis at its original location, that was accessible by boat. We were taken there and allowed to sit in meditation as well as go into the waters that clearly were charged with the energy that was still emitting from the left over parts of the original temple complex.



When the Middle East was revealed as one of the first regions to visit for sacred site and alignment work, it was clear that Israel would be an important aspect of that. It was clear that within Israel, Jerusalem would play a critical role in this endeavor. When I went through the list of sites to visit in Israel, including the West Bank and Jerusalem, the number was no less than 45 sites to visit. Some were absolute and clear “yeses” and some were “nice-to-haves” in terms of the importance for the channel’s work.


Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world, and is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The holiness of Jerusalem in Christianity was reinforced by the New Testament account of Jesus’s crucifixion there. In Sunni Islam, Jerusalem is the third-holiest city, after Mecca and Medina. In Islamic tradition, in 610 CE it became the first qibla, the focal point for Muslim prayer (salat),[35] and Muhammad made his Night Journey there ten years later, ascending to heaven where he speaks to God, according to the Quran.

As a result, despite having an area of only 0.9 square kilometres the Old City is home to many sites of seminal religious importance, among them the Temple Mount with its Western Wall, Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Outside the Old City stands the Garden Tomb.


Sometimes it will occur that a nature spot will carry a significant powerful place. This could be to the very nature of the power that lies at this spot, as many energy lines cross, or the energetic structure that once was or the non-material beings exist.

Close to the sacred town Bethlehem we were led to a 5000 year old Olive tree. In the midst of ancient sites, of so many civilizations, religions, what could a tree teach us? What kind of power and wisdom was present with this ancient being? And why would it need my presence or the connection that I have been blessed with?

It took us two attempts to get into this privately owned property and be allowed to sit with this tree, in its presence to connect to the channel and deliver an extraordinary message, in a place that had been the center stage for a multi generational conflict.



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Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south and the east, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north and Israel and Palestine to the west. The Dead Sea is located along its western borders and the country has a coastline on the Red Sea in its extreme south-west. Jordan is strategically located at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe.

Visiting Lebanon, Israel and Jordan was a natural and important extension of this tour. It included the very significant sacred site of Petra and its surroundings, the famous pilgrimage sites of Jesus’ Baptism site by the Jordan River, as well as, Mount Nebo, where, according to the Hebrew Bible, Moses was granted the view to the Promised Land.

Jordan holds a special mystical energy and power, where one’s soul naturally expands in the horizon of the desert, mountains, clouds andhe ineffable power of the Dead Sea. The connection to higher realms immediately opens at the arrival of a sacred power spot like Petra.



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This is yet another construct of our collaboration with mankind. Created even before the infrastructure of Petra, this was our original experiment to see if the collaboration would bear fruit, if human consciousness was ready to work on the project together. This place has served many to come after and it served as the starting point of what you now call Petra. We were considered gods for the ancient civilisation. They perceived our technological and consciousness advancements as miracles. Yet, all that we planted as a seed was that we are of the same and that they are on the same path as we have already been, that technology and consciousness evolution is a side effect of natural evolution, the path of all consciousness heading to the source.


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Well known for its culture, hospitality, and love for life, Lebanon has always been an attraction for me. Upon getting the call to visit the sacred sites in Lebanon, I made plans with my team to plan a “mission.”

The country is also known for its mysticism, history of miracles and devoted religious worship and practice. Lebanon shaped the Maronite Christian tradition and is home for a co-existence with the Muslim tradition.

Lebanon, particularly its coastal region, was the site of some of the oldest human settlements in the world—three Phoenician ports were dominant centres of trade and culture in the 3,000 BCE.
We visited two sacred sites in this country, and held a group session in Beirut. We will explore and share the journey through Lebanon with you more deeply, as it truly entails profound experiences at some this country’s most significant sacred sites, like the visitation of Saint Mar Charbel at his church and the Valley of the Saints.



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This is yet another construct of our collaboration with mankind. Created even before the infrastructure of Petra, this was our original experiment to see if the collaboration would bear fruit, if human consciousness was ready to work on the project together. This place has served many to come after and it served as the starting point of what you now call Petra. We were considered gods for the ancient civilisation. They perceived our technological and consciousness advancements as miracles. Yet, all that we planted as a seed was that we are of the same and that they are on the same path as we have already been, that technology and consciousness evolution is a side effect of natural evolution, the path of all consciousness heading to the source.


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The mission to Iran had quite an atmosphere of fascination for the ancient history of the Persian Empire, the hospitality of the Iranian people, the powerful sacred sites of the ancient civilizations that have been there before and the controversial and complex nature, the country is viewed.

We understood that tourism was allowed and welcome, and this country that had been shaken by sanctions never lost its love for visitors and guests, to prove how much love and hospitality is still in them. We were received with open arms, and truly never felt unsafe, even at night, in the cities or in the countryside.

The work took us to many sites, including some of the most significant sites for Zoroastrianism – arguably the father of most monotheistic religions, the central sacred sites of Shia Islam, and anscient power sites of nature.

With awe and inspiration of the magnitude of the landscape and the power that lies in the sacred sites of Iran, we were allowed to move through with an open heart.


Although the Shia sect of Islam is the main religion in Iran today, the ancient faith of the prophet Zoroaster is still openly practiced, particularly in the Central and North Western regions.

Zoroaster’s name in its original form is found in the sacred scripture the ‘Avesta as Zarathushtra’. It is thought he was born in the region now known as Azerbaijan and lived around a time between 1500-1000 BC.

As I connected outside the shrine at Pir-e Hershti, Raphael came through, explaining the importance of the work in this region and referring to Zarathustra himself. Read a part of his message below the video clip.

Channeled quotes from Pir-E Heristh:


These sites are places of worship and have directed humanity in certain ways, beliefs, perspectives, rituals, and traditions. While all of it has been well intended, the purity of the work and the teachings had been compromised a long time ago. The frequency does not match the highest that is possible.


However, truly changing the belief system is not necessary. [Shifting] the frequency at which it operates could change everything for those that receive.

The work for the sites tomorrow is similar to the work today and it will carry similar energies to be opened and connected to. You will practice and continue the deepening of the connection created by Zoroaster himself.

Below is a short video from the top of Mount Damavand, my final stop in Iran.

In Persian mythology, this dormant volcano is said to house a 3-headed dragon. I have indeed been to several places around the world where the presence of a dragon nature spirit is present in their mythology. Truly, dragons are a real thing in many cultures and still praised and worshipped and consulted, such as in China, Japan, Tibet and Bali.

A short video from Pir-e-Sabz, Iran – also known as the Fire Temple of Chak-Chak. This remote site is the holiest and most visited of the Zoroastrian mountain shrines and proved to be particularly potent.

Below the video, find an excerpt from the channeling that I received earlier that morning…

The realignment and attunement of [these] places that served a long time ago, specifically of Zoroastrian nature, will have an important role to play. They are what we consider key nodes of this network. A strongly established network still highly functional and with only small misalignments – mismanagement and desire to control. They still hold a level of purity through which we can work seamlessly into this plane.

Channeled quotes from Pir-E Sabz:

This is for the betterment of the communities and societies influenced by this energy. The change of consciousness frequency has the direct result of evolution. It is an inevitable process. The awakening cannot be postponed. It cannot be suppressed. No rules, laws, traditions or rituals can change this intrinsically embedded aspect of human existence.

This is part of the work that awakening beings have to fulfill. Providing a landing space for those awakening and offering for them to be accepted, seen, understood and guided through this challenging and incomprehensible process.

On the third day exploring Yazd, we reached the shrine of Seti Pir-e Naraki, the last of the Zoroastrian sites to be activated and connected through this region (see link below for previous post about this site and the channeling).

It is incredible the power of the pure white light that comes through this place. It’s fascinating that all these shrines of Zoroaster carry the same frequency and light. The energy is very pure and untethered, it doesn’t feel like there is any middle man or specific worship that is necessary – anyone coming here can feel it.

The Zoroastrian religion, or Mazdayasna, is one of the world’s oldest religions that remains active and is believed to have influenced other religious systems, including Second Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.


Probably one of the most difficult countries to enter, and visit sacred sites during a time of conflict, upheaval and strong tension. Iraq was the last of the countries on the list for the Middle East. Almost everyone we had been talking to recommended us not to go, or go later. But interestingly enough, all conversations I would have with the celestial guides about it, would be similar to this: “You will be safe. Go. Go now. Don’t delay, it will be much more difficult later in the future”. This was during a time where protests had been rocking many cities, and the only region that was stable was the Northern part of Iraq. The list of sacred sites to visit yet were mostly in the middle section of Iraq, which is also the most unstable.

We decided to take the journey on, and managed to find the right guide and right way to enter. The work was in Baghdad and across multiple holy cities several hours drive from Baghdad.
We visited the holy sites in the holy cities and were embraced with open arms with the hospitality of the Iraqi people.
We could feel the increased tensions across most of the security checkpoints and at the sacred sites, which were also often targets of conflict between the many factions.
Even with the intensity that we experienced outside, we felt safe and protected across the entire journey. We managed to visit some of the most powerful sacred sites of ancient civilizations as well as modern day sacred sites of Shia Islam.


Tāq Kasrā is sometimes called the Archway of Ctesiphon and is the only visible remaining structure of the ancient city of Ctesiphon. Ctesiphon was the main capital of the successor dynasties of the Persian empire for over 700 years. The archway is considered a landmark and an architectural wonder as the largest single-span vault of unreinforced brickwork in the world.

What an impressive place, lost in the midst of conflict, displaying the power and significance of history and past civilizations, and how they laid the foundation for our existence. Not just an architectural feat but also an energetically significant place of power.



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The commonly held theory about the habitation of North America is that people migrated across the Bering Sea from Asia as far back as 90,000 years ago. What I find most interesting about early North American settlers, like the Mayans and Incas, is that their communities were isolated. The inhabitants of North America were largely undisturbed by trade routes, conflict, and war until the 1400s.

This isolation created uninfluenced, prolific cultures, and ways of life for the indigenous people of North America. These strong cultural roots are still very alive in parts of North America today. .


The USA has been my home now for more than 16 years, and while it has always fascinated me to live in a relatively “young” country, what was even more intriguing were the secrets, rituals, culture of the civilizations that were the main stewards of these lands before the arrival of the Europeans.

In many indigenous cultures there has always been a deep connection with the land, with the spirits of the land, and a deeply connected way of living in balance with the non-material world, while being in a human form.

Sacred sites were part of the culture and had always been revered as important places where the connection to the spirit realm was strong, where one could be even more present to Great Spirit. Mountains, rivers, lakes, desert, all had consciousness and allowed for a human to understand itself and its place within the ecosystem of nature and the ecosystem of all consciousness.


The mission to Hawaii was so much more than just a journey to experience the beauty, power, and mystery of these islands. It was a clear and direct calling for a vision quest, diving deeper into understanding who I am on this journey that I am on, and an initiation into this purpose of being the host of this opening that I today call the “channel”.

While in deep meditation, devoted practice, and exploration of this newly established bond with the channel for three months, I had a clear understanding that I was being prepared for something unique and powerful. A new way of being, an opening, to be a vessel for this information and energy to come through me. I was not aware of how much effort it would take and what would be asked of me, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

I was preparing hard, woken up early in the mornings, to train and run, be on a specific diet and meditate many hours per day, until I got the message it was all for a journey to Hawaii. I had never been, and was guided immediately to the island of Kauai. Once I arrived in Kauai, I was guided by a man who connected to my work to go for a vision quest, for a personal and spiritual deep dive, to go to the top of the dormant volcano.
This is what I did… It was a particularly intense journey of connecting with the spirit of the island, and the many spirits of nature, and the opening to the celestial realms of consciousness and power.

The islands of Hawaii hold mystical powers, are the home of legends, and a deeply rooted indigenous culture that has kept their connection to the non-material realm alive. It was a journey to my connection to the non-material realm in this place of mystery and ancient nature.


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One of the most well-known and highly regarded “spiritual cell towers” are the collection of vortices located in Sedona, Arizona. This area has come to be known as the unofficial New Age capital of the world. The rich Native American history can be traced back to between 11,500 and 9,000 BC and is inclusive of the Paleo-Indians, the pre-historic Archaic people, the Sinagua people, the Yuvapi and the Apache.

I was called to Sedona spontaneously in September 2018 with an intuition that a personal evolution (upgrade) was awaiting me. The work was mostly of personal nature and was focused at the Chapel of The Holy Cross Vortex. Chapel of the Holy Cross Vortex is said to be one of the strongest vortexes in Sedona. In the chapel I felt an overwhelming calm and peace sweep over me. In meditation I received a message to return to the chapel vortex later in the evening. When I returned to the chapel area, three non-material beings that I would consider as Ascended masters introduced themselves as Saint James, Saint Eleanor, and Saint Antoine. They described themselves as dedicated supporters of the land and people who requested assistance there. The Saints shared advice and wisdom with me about my developing role as a channel.


Channeled quotes from Sedona:

Saint James:
Always stay true to the powers that have given you this opportunity. Always keep your mind and heart clean and empty so you can be this very vessel of the divine. Always keep your focus on the mission of evolution not the steps in between. And never mistake the work that is done as yours but rather the work of a divine collective.

Saint Antoine:
My way has always been the way of conversation with my words and my stories, the voice of reason, the voice of compassion, the voice of love. It has transformed those that have come to seek the connection to the divine. This voice has never been mine yet always in the instrument of the divine. Your voice shall be an instrument of the divine. My gift to you is an attunement of your very instrument that you have been gifted. The key is knowing when it is you or the divine speaking through you. The gift is knowing when to release and let the divine speak. The gift is knowing of not holding back when needed. The gift is knowing of asking when required. This is a unique way of communicating and awakening other human beings. Your voice shall be your instrument through which the divine can act. Practice often and speak less from yourself and more from the divine.

Saint Eleanor:
The capacity of your own love for yourself will always be directly connected to your capacity to hold love for others. And your love received from the Divine will always hold you and everyone around you. Never forget that this capacity always expands to the nature of the need, that there is never too little available.

The infrastructure in place is not ours, yet, we are able to utilize it by means of other energies that are here. Our work on you cannot be direct. Yet always through the energies that have the authorities that do the work here we have negotiated specific upgrades for you and your friend. A special gift that can only be received here. An opening that is unique to this frequency. An establishment created long ago by our Pleiadian allies in coordination with the native population. It served for a long time as a bridge between humanity and forces in communication and connection. Through the very unusual make-up of this land, communication was made easy. Infrastructure then was established to protect this opening to protect this bridge.


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The South East Asian region holds so many cultures, religions and civilizations, deeply ingrained with the secrets of philosophy, spirituality, and energy. We have always witnessed the way devotion, worship, and practices of many lineages express themselves.

While South East Asia had been a home for me for about 5 years, it was not on the high priority list of the sacred sites that required to be visited, but rather this mission was a specific calling, I received in a meditation at home in California.

I had been to Bali before in my life, before the spiritual opening I had experienced, yet I had never seen Bali from this perspective, and this newly gained understanding of spirituality, spirit and the technology created by the magnificent interplay between humans, spirits, and rituals.


Bali is an incredible source of spiritual power. Even before my work with the channel, Bali was on my radar. Many who seek a deeper understanding of the coexistence between the human and spirit world have come to Bali to learn and observe.

My calling to visit Bali was pretty unusual. I was in a meditation in my home in California when the channel spoke to me about the importance of visiting a specific site in Bali. A “call” had been made asking for support for a “situation.” I was not given much detail about this situation, just the “order” to go to Bali as soon as I could. When I asked if someone else could take care of it, they said that it was mine to choose to accept as I could hear this call and I could do something about the work that needed to happen. So I agreed and made my way with logistics and arrived in Bali, which opened to a whole adventure by itself. I will share more of this if we get enough requests for this particular story, but let me give this away, it includes priests, the “mother temple” Besakih, spirits, and a dragon. 🙂


Channeled quotes from Bali:


Your efforts in this lifetime for healing and growth, will not be in vain. All that you have done has contributed for you to be here and to be ready for this next stage. Your willingness to participate in this transition is not relevant. The transition is on the way already. The part that you have control of is your readiness.


Life, as you know it, will change to exist. Time, as you know, will change to exist. Yet, do not be alarmed, it is merely a transition to a more vast of existence. It is your graduation, if you want to see it that way. Yet, it is not complete. And it will require to pass a few more challenges and tests, before It is complete.


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